Estive quase para não escrever este post, porque me esqueci de registar convenientemente esta estadia e nem fotografias de jeito para vos mostrar tenho. Mas a verdade é que a localização e as condições do hotel foram tão boas que não vos podia deixar sem esta dica de amigo, o hotel Asia em Hue.
Categoria: Hue
Kai Dinh Mausoleum | Hue
Do we all wanna live forever? Or at least live forever in people memories… Maybe. But while most of us just wonder about it. There are a few who can actually do it. If you are thinking about great achivements, scientific discoveries, political moves or sportive tropheus think twice. You can just build an impressive…
Hue Imperial Citadel | Citadela Imperial de Hue
One of the biggest and most important sights to visit in Hue is its former imperial citadel. Built in the XIX century by the emperor Gia Long, it was the official residence of imperial family until mid-1900s when Vietname was in war. Um dos locais maior e mais importante a visitar na cidade de Hue…
Hue Imperial Capital | Vietnam
After a few days in north Vietnam we flu through Hue to spent a few days in the central part of the country. We will drive later to Hoi Na, one of the most famous tourist spots in Vietname but first we spent one day exploring Hue, the former imperial capital of the country. Após…
One week in Vietnam | Yin Yang Travel | Uma semana no Vietname
Today I am starting posts about my summer trip to Vietnam. As I told you before, we were three weeks in Asia last August and we felt in love with this region of the globe. I am looking forward to be back soon. 2018 please be good to me! Hoje começamos com os posts sobre…